Applicant Tracking System (ATS)

How the Right Recruiting Software Speeds Up Hiring

Talent acquisition professionals know better than anyone that hiring speed is critical. Enterprise companies must find the right candidates quickly to fill open positions, and job seekers should encounter very little friction in their recruiting experiences.  While recruiting is a tedious, time-consuming process, requiring multiple steps and interactions along the way, the right technology enables…

Must-Have Recruitment Tools for Your TA Tech Stack

It can be overwhelming for enterprise talent acquisition teams to research the numerous types of recruitment tools on the market and determine which ones merit investment today. Arguably the two most important questions TA teams must ask when evaluating tech options are: It should be fairly easy to discern if a given recruiting tool can…

Using a Recruitment Dashboard to Centralize Your TA Data

Organizing all your talent acquisition team’s data tied to sourcing, nurturing, interviewing, candidate experience, and diversity hiring (among a number of other critical elements of your overall TA efforts) in a unified recruitment dashboard in a centralized ATS is a game-changer. Your enterprise recruiting org no longer has to go back and forth between disconnected…

AI in Recruiting: A Game-Changer for Talent Acquisition

The business climate and labor market are changing at a rapid pace — as is the way employers hire top talent. It’s little wonder then that artificial intelligence is quickly becoming a key component of talent acquisition, as more and more companies incorporate AI in their recruiting strategies. The rapid rise of AI often leads…

How AI Helps Transform Your Talent Acquisition Function

Despite economic headwinds, recruiting top talent in today’s job market is still competitive and companies are hard-pressed to find quality talent. With millions of available jobs in the U.S. alone, organizations are under enormous pressure to fill open roles as quickly as possible. Resources are stretched thin, and talent teams are searching for ways to…

How Modern TA Tech Can Help Manufacturing Companies

Job growth in the manufacturing sector has been pretty extraordinary since 2019. Companies in this space have searched for better ways to find and hire the right skilled talent to help them maintain their upward trajectory. Let’s break down the state of jobs in manufacturing based on the latest data, look at the challenges of…

Why Enterprises Need a Complete Talent Acquisition Suite

While economic headwinds and the potential of recession loom, enterprise organizations across industries continue to face stiff competition for talent. The most strategic leaders recognize how important it is to evolve talent acquisition to drive business results. A recent report from Lighthouse Research & Advisory revealed that eight in 10 talent leaders said that hiring has…

How to Know When to Upgrade Your Recruiting Technology

More and more enterprises are ditching their dated applicant tracking systems (ATS) in favor of more complete and advanced talent acquisition suites today. Specifically, their onboarding recruiting technology that helps them better identify, engage, convert, and analyze candidates. It can be difficult to discern exactly how effective your recruitment software is in helping you hire…

AI in Talent Acquisition: How to Keep the Human in Hiring

What is one critical skill that talent acquisition professionals need to prioritize in the age of AI? From high emotional intelligence to strong communication abilities, there are several core skills that recruiter must prioritize so they can effectively use AI tools to complement these irreplaceable skills. Here are the skills some of today’s top business…

The Pros of Centralized Talent Acquisition Technology

It’s simple, really. Talent acquisition teams need intelligent, comprehensive talent acquisition technology. Specifically, a solution can handle the complexities of modern recruiting and hiring. And it’s the most forward-thinking large-scale companies that are moving away from disconnected, frustrating point solutions and adopting unified recruiting systems today. Ones that help them: The problem? Knowing which exact kind of…