Recruitment Process

Jobvite & GDPR: Complete, Compliant Recruiting

You’ve probably noticed a recent flurry of training, webinars, and communications from Jobvite focusing on GDPR–or the General Data Protection Regulation. The GDPR is a regulation within European law covering data protection and privacy for all individuals within the European Union. It also addresses the export of personal data outside the Europe Union. And if…

Requirements for a Continuous Candidate Engagement Strategy

When it comes to attracting—and keeping—top talent, it’s a jungle out there. With near perfect unemployment, candidates have more choices and are increasingly in control; they choose you, not vice versa. As we talked about in last month’s blog, The New Model for Modern Recruiting: Continuous Candidate Engagement™, the recruitment model of the past, which…

4 Ways to Use Automated Communication in Recruiting

The longer your open positions remain unfilled, the less work is accomplished at your company. A quicker hiring process can help keep progress on track. If you’re serious about filling positions quickly, it’s time to start using automated communication tools to assist with the process. Keep Candidates in the Loop Candidates may not hear anything…

Using Video Interviews to Accelerate the Hiring Process

When your organization has many job openings to fill, you need to be as efficient as possible with applicant screening and interviewing. That’s why many companies are leveraging video tools to screen and interview candidates to save time and travel costs. Use Applicant Tracking Software to Identify Candidates for Interviews Software for analyzing candidate skills…

Match Highly Skilled Candidates to Your Job Openings with Recruiting Software

Many companies receive more resumes than HR managers could ever sort through with their own eyes. Finding employees with the right skill set, experience and personality makes a big difference in the efficiency, morale and productivity of your company. Applicant tracking systems are a key means of automating a candidate’s application process with your organization.…

Find the Right Candidates by Using the Right Keywords

Applicant tracking and recruiting software have become so critical that even small companies use ATS’s to handle a host of digital recruiting processes. The sheer volume of resumes rules out manual processing. Tracking systems turn resumes, cover letters, business intelligence and applicant research into searchable data that HR departments can use to achieve many strategic…

How Important is Recruiting in Healthcare?

Apple is among the largest corporations in the world. It has approximately 66,000 employees and most recently had 1900 open positions. Mass General Hospital is one of the top hospitals in the nation with approximately 26,000 employees, and recently had about 950 open positions. While the numbers represent some interesting possibilities for analysis and calculation,…

Text Message Recruiting: 10 Tips For Dramatically Better Response Rates

Text message is a powerful recruiting tactic that is producing positive results for over 90% of organizations that try it. That’s no surprise because texting offers significant performance benefits over email with 98% open rates and over half of all responses coming in 15 minutes or less. Perhaps you are on the fence about trying…

Refining the Recruitment Process: Advice for Talent Teams

Is your recruitment process falling flat lately? Is the applicant process too long or confusing for prospective applicants? Are poor candidate assessments resulting in lackluster hires? If the answer is yes to any of these questions, then it’s time to go back to the drawing board. And that means you need to analyze your talent…

Top 5 Tips for Recruiting Top Talent on College Campuses

There is stiff competition for the best candidates these days, regardless of your industry or the job description. Online tools like LinkedIn have made it possible for professionals to share their resumes, experience, and portfolios with the world, and competitive brands aren’t afraid to court top talent—even if they’re not looking to change jobs. The…