Candidate Experience

Here are 3 Ways to Make Applications Faster and Easier

There’s no question that the current employment market is tough for talent acquisition pros. In August 2021, there were 11 million job openings in the US – nearly twice the open positions reported a year earlier. This puts job seekers in the driver’s seat and leaves employers competing fiercely for top talent. In fact, recruiters…

3 Ways to Optimize Your Career Site and Eliminate Barriers

While the hiring landscape in 2020 was difficult, talent teams are facing even more complex challenges in 2021. At the end of August 2021, there were 10 million job openings in the US, compared to 6 million open positions reported a year earlier. Amid these extraordinary conditions, talent acquisition pros are being asked to hire…

Ensuring a Seamless New Employee Onboarding Process

There is nothing a recruiter dislikes more than spending the time and effort to attract, interview, and help hire a new employee only to have that individual leave the organization within their first 90 days on the job due to a poor new employee onboarding process and experience. Recent Paychex research found roughly a third…

Agility and Adaptability, the Key to Successful Recruiting

Learn how recruiters are creatively responding to a new set of industry challenges to hire top talent quickly and efficiently

 Today, the U.S. is seeing a return to early 2020 employment numbers, with the economic recovery allowing many companies to increase staffing levels rapidly. However, priorities and expectations in the workplace have shifted, putting increased…

The Hidden Costs of Onboarding a New Employee

Many businesses in the U.S. are currently reporting that they’re understaffed to some degree. This not only leaves many companies struggling to not only get qualified candidates to accept job offers, but also to onboard new employees and get them caught up to speed as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, onboarding isn’t free. (Not necessarily “new…

Six Tips for Evergreen Recruiting

High employee turnover is a challenging reality for many recruiters in industries like healthcare, retail, and foodservice. Talent acquisition (TA) teams must keep roles filled with top-quality employees while preparing for the next wave of turnover. But high-volume recruiting doesn’t have to be a painful process. With a proactive strategy focused on building a large…

5 Lessons from Manufacturing Job Seekers

The manufacturing industry has faced a whirlwind of shifting expectations, opportunities, and shortages over the past year. Last fall, we surveyed manufacturing recruiters to learn more about their challenges for our 2020 Recruiter Nation Survey and learned that manufacturing recruiters are struggling with too many applicants without the necessary skills or qualifications, and increased stress…

6 Tips for Recruiting in a Candidate’s Market

What a difference a year makes. From a stalled job market in 2020 to one where many sectors are thriving and workers have the upper hand. Why do they have the upper hand? Well, in what is (hopefully) the tail-end of the pandemic in the U.S., the economy is predictably changing for the better, but…

2021 Job Seeker Nation: Key Findings from This Year’s Report

Learn how the workforce is responding and adapting one year into the pandemic  This just in! Jobvite’s 12th annual Job Seeker Nation Report has been released, uncovering a profound change in concerns, challenges, and priorities for workers while navigating the job seeking process amidst COVID-19. At 6.2%, the U.S. unemployment rate today is lower than it was…

The Top Issues Facing Manufacturing Recruiters in 2021

Manufacturing runs on the skills of its workers and there is a growing skill gap in America. According to a report from Deloitte and The National Association of Manufacturers, 4.6 million jobs need to be filled by 2028, and 2.4 million jobs are projected to go unfilled due to a lack of trained workers. And…