Candidate Sourcing & Nurturing

What Workers Want: Insights Into Today’s Job Seekers

This year’s annual Job Seeker Nation Report is out and it’s clear the labor market has entered an entirely new reality. Priorities and expectations in the workplace have drastically shifted over the past year as the dynamic motivations of the modern workforce continue to dominate the hiring landscape. With millions of available jobs in the…

How to Write Job Descriptions: A Hiring Team Guide

Hiring great candidates begins with knowing how to write job description. Specifically, ones that: When a potential hire performs a job search, they’re like anybody else reading the search engine results page and listings on job boards and career communities. They want to see fast and concise results on the first page of Google and…

5 Best Ways to Advertise Job Openings on Social Media

Social media platforms have over 3 billion users worldwide. With these growing numbers, it’s no surprise businesses take advantage of social media recruiting to hire new talent. Posting open positions on job boards is a great approach to attract local job seekers. However, social media platforms have grown in popularity, and they broaden your range…

A Guide to Hiring Military Veterans for Civilian Roles

Each year on Veteran’s Day, we pause to honor the contributions and sacrifice of military service members and their families. This year, that group includes thousands of military veterans returning home after the end of active conflict in Afghanistan. As talent acquisition pros, our appreciation of veterans shouldn’t end after November 11. Each year, roughly…

3 Ideas to Optimize Applications and Automate Candidate Screening

Talent acquisition teams are constantly looking for ways to streamline processes, save time, and maximize efficiency. That’s even more true under challenging conditions like the current job market, where employers are competing for top talent and candidates have become increasingly selective. For smart talent teams, automation can help alleviate some of the pressure to fill…

How to Solve Your Candidate Conversion Problem

You keep hearing about record job openings as the country heads back to work. Yet here you are, sitting at your desk, looking at your ATS and wondering why it isn’t overflowing with applicants. You’ve exploded your budget for ads, slapped a new banner on your company home page, and begged staff to refer past…

10 Tips to Master Social Recruiting on LinkedIn

Whether you’re trying to organically identify passive candidates who are seemingly strong fits for available positions or entice active candidates to apply to your paid job listings, social recruiting is a highly valuable part of your recruiting process that can greatly bolster your talent pipeline. Simply put, the benefits of social recruiting (i.e., publishing job…

Agility and Adaptability, the Key to Successful Recruiting

Learn how recruiters are creatively responding to a new set of industry challenges to hire top talent quickly and efficiently

 Today, the U.S. is seeing a return to early 2020 employment numbers, with the economic recovery allowing many companies to increase staffing levels rapidly. However, priorities and expectations in the workplace have shifted, putting increased…

Improve Time-To-Hire with Jobvite’s Zero-Click Intelligent Sourcing

Finding qualified candidates quickly is one of the toughest challenges for talent acquisition (TA) teams today. No matter how efficient your recruiting process is, recruiters spend a significant amount of their time sourcing and matching qualified prospects – time that could better be spent connecting with active candidates. Jobvite’s Evolve Talent Acquisition Suite can give…

3 Strategies for Filling Specialized, Knowledge-Based Roles

If talent professionals have learned anything over the years, it’s the value of creative thinking. They’ve had to re-imagine the candidate experience from top to bottom, including recruiting, interviewing, onboarding, and more. Much of that work was on the fly, out of sheer necessity. As more and more companies ramp up their hiring, that creativity…